Thursday, March 26, 2015

how to add a photo to your blog

I have made a video for how to get a

photo to your blog. If it helps you i will 

make more only if you comment. I used 

explain everything it is on the app store 



  1. Hi Xay, we are super impressed with this video! Mum and Dad

  2. Hi Xay, I was so proud of what you produced, you are really good at explaining the steps of what to do, nice and clear. I look forward to seeing what else you come up with next term.

  3. Hello Xay,
    Wow, you have done a very smooth, clear and organized demonstration in your video. Congratulations. I really liked the light saber pointer too. That was a nice touch!
    Keep up the Brilliant Blogging.
    From Ms Mayling
    your blogging mentor teacher
